

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Qualities of a Natural Leader - From the Bluejacket's Manual 1940


Once in a great while a man is born a leader.  The rest of us become leaders by hard study and long practice of the rules of leadership handed down to us by the great leaders of the past.  Following are given the rules laid down by these leaders.  Study them and practice them, for your future success will depend upon your ability to master them, whether in the Naval service or later in civilian life.

Each man who desires to be a leader of men must learn the following essential points:

Obedience does not mean blindly carrying out an order or grudgingly doing what you are ordered or directed to do and then only doing enough to get by.  Obedience means first of all cheerful and willing obedience and, secondly, intelligent obedience.

Good Behavior and a clean record are necessary for promotion to positions of leadership.  Men sometimes fail of promotion to warrant and commissioned rank because of bad records during early enlistments.

Knowledge comes only through study and hard work. "There is no royal road to learning." Men always respect you for what you know. It pays to know, and to know you know. Know your own job. Know the job ahead of yours.

Fighting Spirit You know what this is. Without it, you are only a human biped who wears pants.  With it, you are a live, red-blooded go-getter--one who will succeed. Have you the grit to stay with a hard job? Never say "I can't". Forget there is such a phrase.  Don't be a quitter. "A man may be down but never out"--until he admits it.

Reliability. - Always do what you are told to do, and do it the best you know how. Can you be depended upon, whether alone on a job or with others? Get the reputation of seeing the job through.

Loyalty. - Stick up for yourself, your officers, your petty officers, your company, your ship.  As you show loyalty to them, they will show loyalty to you, and people under you will do the same. Boost. If you cannot boost, do not knock.

Initiative. - This is one of the outstanding qualifications of a leader. The man with initiative takes hold of the things that need doing and does them without being told, while the other fellow is standing idly by because no one has told him what to do. A man with initiative thinks on his feet. He can be trusted to take care of an unexpected situation because he is always on the alert and thinking ahead of his job.

Self-control. - Do not fly off the handle. It nearly always gets you into trouble and always lessens the respect that others hold for you. If you lose your self-control in little things, you are sure to do so in big things. The man who cannot control himself will never develop into a real leader of others.

Energy. - A lazy man never has time to do anything right or to do anything to improve himself, and he never gets far. Be "peppy." Put some drive into things. Carry a "self-starter." Don't have to be cranked every time to get started.

Courage. - A leader must have courage. He must have not only physical courage, he must have moral courage as well. He must be fearless in the face of his duty.  A courageous man admits it when he is wrong and takes his medicine.  He doesn't bluff.  And when he is known as a man of courage he doesn't have to bluff.

Justice. - Be square. Play the game hard, but play it squarely. Give a square deal to others and expect one in return. Act so that others can respect you as a man.

Truthfulness. - The final test of a man is: in a pinch, will he lie?  Lying is a dismissal offense in the Navy. Many a man who told the whole truth has been let off or given light punishment, where the liar was punished for the offense and for lying as well.

Faith. - Believe in yourself.  Trust yourself.  Count on yourself.  Count on yourself to be one of the best man-o-war's men in the whole Navy, and then go to it and make good. Trust your fellowmen. They are good fellows and will meet you halfway as a rule. Believe in and trust the Navy. Splendid men have made it what it is. Do all you can to keep it as good as it is, and make it even better.

Honor. - Act so that your home folks will be proud of you, and you will tell all of your friends what fine things you are doing in the Navy.  Act so that others will want to be like you.  Few men can survive dishonor. Remember you can never disgrace or dishonor yourself without bringing dishonor on your name, your people, and the uniform you wear.

Cheerfulness. - Smile and the world smiles with you. Smile when things go wrong. If you cannot smile, at least try to. You can surely keep the corners of your mouth up. When you are positive it is beneficial to others around you in a tight situation. If you can do it, they can do it.  If you are the only one who is gloomy, you will become unpopular very quickly.

Honesty. - Enough said. Without honesty your career is limited and you are sure to fail in the long run.  Nobody wants to deal with or associate with a cheat.

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