

Saturday, November 6, 2021

11/6/44 Darter Crew Arrived in Australia

  On this date in 1944, Grandpa was returned safely to Australia with the rest of the Darter crew after their 3-week ordeal of survival aboard their "lifeboat" submarine USS Dace. The photo caption says it was taken in Perth, Australia 1944. The tiny newspaper article below was the first news to reach the US of the incident.

He looks happy to be back on dry land.

When he was still in Australia, he received a sad telegram from his brother. His mother had died suddenly while he was on patrol. With both his parents dead, he had no home to go back to. (His Dad had died of a heart attack in 1942) He ended up going back to Philadelphia to stay with his brother George for awhile, until he could marry my Grandma and rent a house in New Jersey.